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Welcome to the LWL PUBLISHING HOUSE Masterclass Registration & Resource Page

This course is comprised of 3 Masterclasses. Each Masterclass is accompanied by 2 books: a Resource Guide and a Workbook.

This 3-part series will inspire you to process your past, present, and future emotions related to your personal life experiences in your creative writing journey.

By embracing the past, we can confidently process the hidden depths of our story.

My published authors have greatly benefited from working with me to gain clarity with articulating their words to maintain their readers' attention. One of the greatest challenges that novice writers face is the "emotional dump" that occurs and then the walls come up because years of pent-up emotions suddenly get released.

To learn more about processing your emotions for your present-day communications or future books that you want to write, I encourage you to sign up for all 3 of these classes and increase your confidence in your reader engagement.

Masterclass Registration

There are 2 ways to register.

You can register for the 1st Masterclass by itself

or you can register for all 3 Masterclasses and receive

a 13% DISCOUNT for all 3 courses!

That's a savings of $113.00!


Masterclass 1: Goal Setting for Authors will begin on Thursday, March 3rd @ 8:00 p.m. EST.

Registration Fee: $282.50 ($250 + $28.50 HST)

Your registration fee includes:

• Access to all of the scheduled Course 1 Masterclasses

•1 copy of the Resource Guide "Inspired to Write: Processing The Emotions in Creative Writing - Book One"

•1 copy of the Workbook "Creative Visionaries: Goal-Setting for Authors - Book 1"


Masterclass 1: Goal Setting for Authors will begin on Thursday, March 3rd @ 8:00 p.m. EST.

Registration Fee: $734.50 ($650 + $84.50 HST)

Your registration fee includes:

• Access to all of the scheduled Masterclasses for all 3 Courses

"Inspired to Write" Resource Guides for all 3 Courses

"Creative Visionaries - Goal Setting for Authors" Workbooks for all 3 Courses

Masterclass Resources

The Masterclass Resource Guides & Workbooks can be purchased

separately without registering for the Courses.

Resource Guide 1

Inspired to Write: Processing The Emotions

in Creative Writing - Book One

Purchase Price: $35.00 (Shipping & Tax Included)

Your book will arrive approximately 2-3 weeks after purchase.

Workbook 1

Creative Visionaries: Goal-Setting for Authors

Book 1

Purchase Price: $40.00(Shipping & Tax Included)

Your book will arrive approximately 2-3 weeks after purchase.

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